This election is not a do or die affair rather a franchise rights that is enshrined to every Nigerian. So on the 18th March gubernatorial election go out and vote for your conscience, someone whom you’re very sure he can handle the task effectively if opportune.
As you go out to vote for your preferred candidate tomorrow 18th March 2023, note that elections will come and go but people around you will still remains the same people so don’t fight because of a politicians there may be a tendency that after the election you may not see them again until after four years to come.
I used to say this with cocksure certainty that, election has ever meant diversity, not violence. No matter how bad elements manipulate it in achieving it’s selfish goals it will never be the reason to act violently or cause unrest among your neighbors. So don’t ever make mistake of fighting for a politicians that you are not worth it to him.
This election is not a do or die affair rather a franchise rights that is enshrined to every Nigerian. So on the 18th March gubernatorial election go out and vote for your conscience, someone whom you’re very sure he can handle the task effectively if opportune.
Please, while going out to vote for tomorrow’s election endeavour to shun violence against electoral act. Go with the intention of voting your candidate and make sure your vote 🗳 count.
May Nigeria succeed again 🙏
Muhammad Umar Shehu