Up to 15 billion trees are now being cut down every year across the world. It’s just not sustainable, or very smart – for wildlife, for people, or for the climate.
The apportion of the forest has affected greater number of the forest in diverse as it made a negative impact on all individuals within constituency’s within and around the great constituency. Nevertheless, a lot of measures were supposed to be taken so drastically as it affect both the weather and the landscape.
Some of the illegal deforestation apart of cutting down the trees, some of these clear cutter burn down and pollute the air all in the name of making charcoal and poisoning the environment at large.
The loss of trees and other vegetation can cause climate change, desertification, soil erosion, fewer crops, flooding, increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and a host of problems for Indigenous people.
There’s only about half the number of trees on the planet today that there were when humans first evolved. And the fastest rate of forest destruction has been in the past couple of centuries.
Up to 15 billion trees are now being cut down every year across the world. It’s just not sustainable, or very smart – for wildlife, for people, or for the climate.
We’re fighting hard to stop forest destruction. Years of committed work by environmental campaigners, politicians and businesses is starting to pay off, but there’s lots more to do.
Muhammad Bello Umar writes from department of mass communication Abubakar tatari Ali polytechnic Bauchi and can be reached via: [email protected]