Congratulatory messages have been flooding in for actor and director, Sesan Alabi as he and his wife have welcomed their first child after six years of waiting.
Sesan as a first time parent expressed gratitude to God for the new blessing on his Instagram profile.
He thanked God that their delay was finally over, noting that 6 years wasn’t just a few minutes to others. He wrote:
“Lord, the holy church, even though 6 years is just some kind of minute to you. It ended in thanksgiving. Jesus my confidant, the friend that can not leave me to the house of the king that turns tears to joy, the Lord of my heart. I thank you for you. Open the holy church that represented my soul”.
Recall Yoruba actor, Adeniyi Johnson and his wife, Seyi Edun recently welcomed their a set of twins after 7 years of waiting.