Shanty Town, a Netflix original series produced by Chinenye Chichi Nworah and directed by Dimeji Ajibola, features Ini Edo , Chidi Mokeme, Nse Ikpe-Etim, Mercy Eke, Nancy Isime, Zubby Michael, Uche Jombo, RMD, Peter Okoye (Psquare)
Filmmaker, Chichi Nworah’s 2023 series Shanty Town has received ten nominations at the 2023 Africa Magic Viewers’ Choice Awards.
Shanty Town was released on Netflix in January to wide acclaim.
These AMVCA nominations are coming a few days after released an audience survey which ranked Shanty Town audience’s most favourite Nollywood flick released so far in 2023.
In the audience survey, Shanty Town was picked as the most impressive to watch, followed by Brotherhood, and Gangs of Lagos, respectively.
Chichi Nworah, the film’s executive producer, on her Instagram page @realchichinworah expressed delight at the AMVCA nominations.
The cast of Shanty Town’ who got nominations include Dimeji Ajibola for Best Director; Jonathan Kovel for Best Cinematographer; Olalekan Isiaka for Best Art Director; Chidi Mokeme for Best Actor; Nse Ikpe -Etim for Best Actress; Ini Edo for Best Actress; Jaysynths & Hotkid for Best Sound Track; Maryam Ndukwe & Hakeem Effects Onilogbo for Best make up; Kolade Morakinyo for Best sound Editor; Bunmi Fashina, Tiannah Empire and Secrets of April for Best costume Designer.
The blockbuster series goes head-to-head with other big films that include Anikulapo with 16 nods and Brotherhood with 11 nominations. Ageshinkole, Battle on Buka Street, Ile Owo, and Four Forty-Four are others that got several nominations each.
Shanty Town, a Netflix original series produced by Chinenye Chichi Nworah and directed by Dimeji Ajibola, features Ini Edo , Chidi Mokeme, Nse Ikpe-Etim, Mercy Eke, Nancy Isime, Zubby Michael, Uche Jombo, RMD, Peter Okoye (Psquare)
Chichi Nworah, the CEO of Giant Creative Studios, isn’t new to Nollywood, having produced two big films that did well at the box office between 2017 and 2020. Before Shanty Town in 2023, she produced films like Hot Girl Next Door in 2017 and Betty’s Love Triangle in 2020. Also, Tough Love series was widely watched on Nigerian pay-TV platforms in 2021, among other projects yet to be released like Omoge Suzzy, and Fairytale Wedding series.
“Recognition for one’s creative work comes with a great feeling. It feels good that Shanty Town bagged ten nominations. This shows the depth of work, sleepless nights, talents, creativity, and other resources put together to produce the masterpiece. Shanty Town is part of my journey to tell a local story with global artistry. With Shanty Town, I tried to create a departure from the norm. And we are happy with the results coming out. Creating a project like Shanty Town took a lot of money, and it stretched my co-executives and me, but seeing the positive global acceptance turned that stretch into joy,” the producer, Chichi Nworah said.