Women have to be given a room or an opportunity to occupy prominent positions in Nigeria’s democratic practices as it has shown over the years that women can do sometimes, even better.
‘Gender Enquality’ has been a paramount issue facing politics in Nigeria.
In a Nation where we have the Masculine and the Feminine genders, women are being underrepresented in Politics, decision making and all levels of governance.
In Nigeria, women should atleast, be allowed to occupy even if it is 30% of some of the prominent seats as some women politicians are more giant and vibrant with lots of Experiences than even some of the men politicians in Nigeria.
In Nigeria and around the world, women are underrepresented in politics, Decision Making and different level of governance. Because research has it that about 50% of the populations in Nigeria is female and ye only 6% elective position are occupied by women at all levels of Governance in Nigeria.
Even with the few occupied by them, they still don’t have much right to their freedom of expression because almost all their opinions are being seen as Out of Point (OP) by the male gender. Perhaps, because women are being
Regarded as weaker vessels, but they should also be allowed in politics and see the wonderful work they will do.
Women have to be given a room or an opportunity to occupy prominent positions in Nigeria’s democratic practices as it has shown over the years that women can do sometimes, even better.
Making these women feel they are involved in politics most especially in Nigeria can help along way in tackling some of these issues of gender based violence and segregation.
Akpai Omagbogwu Sumaila, writes from Mass Communication Department, Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic Bauchi. and can be reached via [email protected].