I have evidence that the Iranians have been empowered by the NWO for the express purpose of being used to destroy Israel. In Iran, the destruction of Israel is official State policy. Just like Hitler was secretly supported by heads of institutions I would not mention for now, Iran is being helped clandestinely.
Available evidence proves that there has always been a plan to destroy the Jews, who are the only descendants of the Israelites known to man today. A very influential consultant to the United Nations is Lucis Trust, formerly Lucifer Trust. Lucifer Trust was founded by Alice Bailey, a Satanist. You can tell the plan of Satan for the world by looking at her writings. Not surprisingly, she is the author of the Ten Point Plan For the Destruction of Christianity, which is a key component of the general agenda encapsulated in the Ten Commandments For A New Age/New World Order engraved on the Georgia Guidestones.
One of the things Alice Bailey wrote about is known as The Great Invocation, which contains what is known as “The Plan.” This plan is, unfortunately but not surprisingly, “to remove all Jewish presence and influence from human consciousness by eliminating Judaism.” This satanic plan is the reason behind the holocaust carried out by Adolf Hitler. If not for the United States of America entering into the Second World War, all the Jews in the world would have been killed.
The Plan also explains how, if not for God, Israel would have ceased to exist long before many of us were born. After the failure to achieve this goal between 1939 and 1945 through Hitler during WW2, 1948 was the next option. In fact, if you bear the Plan in mind – as enunciated by Alice Bailey the Satanist — the happenings in the world will begin to make sense. For example, although Britain had the military power to ensure that Israel’s independence went peacefully, they suddenly left the Middle East on the eve of Israel’s declaration of independence, in spite of knowing that the surrounding Arab nations had threatened to annihilate Israel if Israel dared to declare independence. The original land granted to Israel by the UN was so little it was almost a joke. But Israel had no choice than to accept it, just so Jews all over the world could find a place of refuge there and be able to call it their home. Some people have dared to believe that the few powerful people who rule the world on behalf of Satan hoped that the Arabs would be able to accomplish what Hitler had failed to accomplish – annihilate the Jews! The war of independence was supposed to abort this new Israeli nation. But, miraculously, it resulted in a net gain of land for Israel and an inexplicable defeat of a far superior Arab army made up of the national armies of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, and Lebanon, apart from two irregular forces comprising a group known as the Arab Liberation Army and another one known as the Holy War Army.
As far as the existence of Israel was concerned, the major wars that followed the war of independence were the 6-day war of 1967 and the Yom Kippur War of 1973, after which the Egyptians smelled the coffee and decided to make peace with Israel in 1979. But even as discussions for peace with Egypt was ongoing under the sponsorship of the United States, a new threat against Israel was brewing. This was in the form of the ancient nation of Iran (Persia), which was established around 700BC. The Persians have a long list of all their monarchs from this time up till the 11th of February, 1979, when their last monarch, Mohammad Reza Shah, was deposed. This list, as expected, contains the names of several kings mentioned in the Bible, such as Cyrus (whom the prophet Isaiah prophesied about in Isaiah 45), Darius, Artaxerxes, and, of course, Ahasuerus, who is mentioned in the Book of Esther – the same Ahasuerus that married Esther and made her Queen in place of Vashti.
I have evidence that the Iranians have been empowered by the NWO for the express purpose of being used to destroy Israel. In Iran, the destruction of Israel is official State policy. Just like Hitler was secretly supported by heads of institutions I would not mention for now, Iran is being helped clandestinely.
While Barack Obama was US President, a highly sophisticated American drone (known as the MQ-9 Reaper) was supposedly shot down by the Iranians. And it somehow managed to land in one piece. That drone was shown to the world on television and I saw it with my own eyes. Obama, of course, did nothing. My theory, based on other things I know, is that the Reaper was a covert technology transfer to Iran. No wonder, Iran is now a drone super power to the extent that even Russia is buying drones from Iran. Note Joe Biden’s body language toward the Iranians also. Even John Kerry (former US Secretary of Defence under Obama) broke American law during the Trump Presidency and held discussions with the Iranians, apparently promising the Iranians that, by hook or by crook, Trump was not going to have a second term. Because the Yemeni Houthis are a proxy of Iran, see how Joe Biden pampered them, at the expense of the interests of the Saudis and even the interests of the United States. Satan has spoken and Israel must be destroyed at whatever cost. The way Joe Biden was treating Saudi Arabia seemed like punishment for their tacit approval of the Abraham Accords and their friendly relations with Israel. Joe Biden also removed American patriot missiles from Saudi soil at the very moment they needed those missiles the most and removed the Houthis from the list of terrorist organizations, on which Donald Trump had placed them to make life a bit more difficult for them. This is the reason for the pivot of the Saudis towards China, which we are witnessing as a developing story right now. In line with this new reality, the petrodollar status is now about to die and it is only a matter of time before it does – all because of what people perceive as reckless American policy. How I wish these moves were a result of diplomatic stupidity. Unfortunately, they are not. They are all well calculated moves. You will be amazed to discover that the destruction of Israel is a very important part of all these happenings. Remember that Barack Obama was behind the Arab Spring that took the world by storm and began less than two years after he got to the White House. Although it began in Tunisia, I am willing to believe, with what I now know, that the target was Israel.
Well, Obama was in cahoots with the Muslim Brotherhood, who were inspired to launch their own Arab Spring protest in Egypt. At the end, one of their members, Mohammed Morsi, became President of Egypt. In case you never heard, Obama hosted Muslim Brotherhood members in the White House while he was President. And in case you did not know, moderate Arab governments consider the MB a terrorist organization and fear them as they fear demons. Which is why they are outlawed in many Islamic countries. But Obama was friends with them. As soon as Mohammed Morsi became President of Egypt, guess what he attempted to do?
One of the first things Mohammed Morsi tried to do was to cancel Egypt’s peace treaty with Israel, which would have resulted in war almost immediately. Sensing the danger, the Egyptian military moved fast and removed Morsi from power. Now, one of them, El Sisi, is in charge of Egypt and Egypt is largely cooperating with Israel on security issues to the extent that they even disabled a missile launcher that was being set up in the Sinai some days ago. In essence, recent history has proven that the MB is dangerous to moderate Muslims, to Jews, and, without doubt, to other non-Muslims.
The so-called Iran deal of 2015 was also Obama’s gift to Iran.
In the United States, the enemies of Israel are very active and powerful and they seem to have full control of especially the State Department, which has opposed everything good for Israel’s security from day one. When Israel declared independence on May 14, 1948, they were in desperate need of validation. And the US President at the time, Harry Truman, was keen to give the Jewish State an American recognition. But the State Department attempted to stop him. When Harry Truman decided he was going ahead with this recognition, he just went ahead and said so publicly, without first notifying the State Department. President Donald Trump followed the Truman doctrine in the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel also, because of opposition from within and without.
Many people will be shocked to realize that the US President during the 6-day war of 1967 – Lyndon Johnson – did not help Israel. Egypt had initiated that war by blocking the Straights of Tiran — a waterway that gave Israel access to the sea. All that was required to break the deadlock was for an American ship to sail through that corridor, and Egypt will get the message and back down. But Lyndon Johnson refused to do that. War eventually broke out and Israel, as we know, gained a decisive victory that shocked the world, plus access to the old city of Jerusalem.
In Part 3, the actual battlefield miracles Israel has witnessed will be presented, including how providence prepared Richard Nixon to play the role he played during the Yom Kippur war of 1973.
But apart from the plan to bring Israel to an end and obliterate Judaism, what other important thing is supposed to usher in the New Age, according to Alice Bailey? Before I state that very important expectation of Satanists, let me quickly mention the fact that, in her own autobiography, Mrs. Bailey openly confessed that, when she was just 15 years old, she was contacted by a certain “tall man, dressed in European clothes and wearing a turban.” This man told young Bailey that, to do the special work he had for her, she had to develop self-control. I am thoroughly convinced that this so-called tall man was Satan, or a fellow fallen angel specially sent by Satan. Bailey also said she received the messages she wrote in her books telepathically through a being known as Djwal Khul. I call Djwal Khul a being rather than a person because his characteristics make it clear to me that he is either Satan masquerading as a person or another fallen angel.
For your information, the Great Invocation, which I have already mentioned, is primarily a call for “the Christ to return to Earth.” And the destruction of Israel appears to be a prerequisite for that to happen. From the words of Jesus Christ in Matthew 24:26, I believe that this “Christ” being expected by Satanists is none other than Satan himself, known to the Buddhists as Maitreya.
In Matthew 24:26, Jesus Christ said:
“Wherefore, if they shall say unto you, Behold he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers: believe it not.”
This is a categorical prophecy that Satan will come before the actual second coming of Jesus Christ. And he will impersonate Jesus Christ by presenting Himself as the real Jesus Christ to the world. He will also deceive everybody on earth – apart from the elect. Remember Revelation 13:8? Please read it if you can.
Revelation 13:4.
“And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast.”
That dragon is Satan, according to Revelation 12:9.
But how many Christians know about this prophecy and how many Christians are being prepared to withstand this coming deception that will be so strong the elect will nearly be deceived? In fact, part of the protection of the elect is actually the stern warning from Jesus Christ that they are not to go and see any Christ on the earth. Because, during the second coming, the feet of Jesus Christ will not touch the earth. The saints are to go up and meet Him in the air. 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17.
Since Satan is the dragon, what has the Bible said he would do when the prophecy of Jesus Christ in Matthew 24:26 is eventually fulfilled? What would be his main mission in manifesting himself publicly and claiming to be Jesus Christ?
These and the other matters mentioned above will be tackled in Part 3 of Gravity As A Weapon Of War.