The battlefield miracles Israel has experienced so far and the untold story of the miraculous help given to Israel by US President Richard Nixon will be covered in Part 4 of Gravity As A Weapon Of War.
Rightly understood, globalism, at its core, is pure Satanism – not from the point of view of the billions who innocently see some benefits in globalism, but from the point of view of the few primary initiators of the ideology from its infancy onwards, even before technology made the world a so-called global village. And, today, the United Nations is the most visible structure of the globalist intention. I have repeatedly said that the end game of globalism is the fulfillment of Revelation 13:8. If you care about the issue, you will get hold of a Bile and read Revelation 13:8.
As many people now know, the United Nations was established by the family of the Rockefellers. Years later, David Rockefeller said the following in his publicly available autobiography:
“. . . the Rockefeller family (has) inordinate influence over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
As you can see, this is not a joke. And globalists like D. Rockefeller are this bold because they know that, humanly speaking, no one can challenge them on this earth.
Globalism is the reason behind the many “incidents” in the world, including the First and Second World Wars. Ditto the many “incidents” in America’s past, including the American civil war and the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln and even that of President John F, Kennedy.
Lincoln knew who his assassins were. Because his Canadian-born lawyer, Charles Chiniquy, who used to be a Roman Catholic priest, rightly identified the people stalking Lincoln as Jesuits.
As for JFK, although he was a Roman Catholic — the first Roman Catholic US citizen to be President, Joe Biden being the second — he was so blissfully ignorant of the agenda of the Jesuits he said the following before an audience of media executives, thereby guaranteeing his death:
On the 15th of November, 1963 – seven days before he was gruesomely assassinated – John F. Kennedy said:
“We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence . . . It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations. I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people.”
Then Kennedy went on to assert that there was a plan to enslave the American people. But one does not need to hear Kennedy to believe this. If you understand that the US Federal Reserve Bank is privately owned, that should tell you that majority of the American people have already been enslaved – and this fact will be revealed sooner than later when the owners of the Fed decide the time is right. I hope you noticed the eerie similarity between the allegations of John F. Kennedy and the brazen public admission of David Rockefeller. JFK was an outsider, but he had correctly diagnosed the source of most of the problems in this world and even in the US – globalism – which was why he was assassinated.
I have over six hours of confession from a former Australian Satanist detailing how, to get to the top of the ladder in virtually every endeavour in life, one had to pledge loyalty to Satan. Although quite interesting, I did not find that confession too surprising. Not because I’m so smart; but because I’m a student of prophecy. And, working from the answer back to the question, it is clear that the fulfillment of Revelation 13:8 requires such a dark and global conspiracy represented by Satanism, the true religion of the 0.1% elite, whether they are outwardly Muslims, or Christians, or Buddhists, or Hindus, or atheists, or whatever. Interestingly, it is to protect that conspiracy from discovery from well-meaning truth seekers that anyone who reveals the facts about it is derisively labeled a “conspiracy theorist.”
According to the Australian Satanist, the real enemies of Satanism are fundamental Christians. But a genuine fundamental Christian in these last days must, of necessity, also be a student of prophecy — especially end-time prophecy. And I’m not referring to the preterist-based and futurist-based end-time prophecies taught by the Jesuits themselves, but end-time prophecy based on the sweet-bitter experience of the Seventh-day Adventists. This was the only experience, according to the Bible, that could unseal the sealed part of the Book of Daniel, which God sealed from human understanding until after 22nd October, 1844, according to Daniel 12:4. The process of the unsealing of this Book validates its prophetic interpretation as the correct one. That process is the sweet-bitter experience accurately foretold in Revelation chapter 10.
Revelation 10:10
“And I took the little book out of the angel’s hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter.”
And only the Seventh-day Adventists can lay claim to such a verifiable and historical experience circa 1844, which, fortunately, cannot easily be edited. Note that 1844 can also not be disputed for it fulfils the prophecy of Daniel 8:14 and is exactly 2300 from 457BC, when the commandment to restore and rebuild Jerusalem was given by King Artaxerxes, according to Daniel 9:25; see Ezra 6:14. There is no room for error in this prophetic interpretation. It is rock solid because it is protected by past history, which nobody can do anything about. Glory to God!
Prophetic interpretation based on preterism and futurism have proven so effective in blinding the eyes of Christians to clear prophetic passages such as 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12, where privileged information is given to the children of God to enable them detect the beast and avoid receiving the mark of the beast. I will address this amazing blindness in a forthcoming article titled: The Greatest Deception In Modern Christianity. All I can say for now is woe to anyone that ends up receiving the mark of the beast, even after interacting with my articles.
The Bible says that Satan deceives the whole world. This must include the people of the NWO actively working for him now. With reference to the Ezekiel 38 war, my candid postulation is that, since he knows prophecy, Satan will position himself to steal the glory of God and deceive especially Christians that it was him (a supposed Jesus Christ) that came to save the children of Israel. And because the eyes of most Christians have been blinded to the correct interpretation of end time prophecy and they simply do not understand what is about to happen, they will willingly, aggressively, wholeheartedly, and “sincerely” accept Satan as Jesus Christ, especially if he defeats the leftists whom he apparently set up to harass Christians and other conservatives with transgender ideology and make them wish for a sort of righteous deliverer. However Satan chooses to deceive the whole world, only the elect of God will understand these things. Which is why they will be willing to endure the economic sanctions of no buying and selling — and even death — rather than bow to this fake Jesus Christ. It is shocking that even Muslims are being prepped to accept this Jesus Christ, including Roman Catholics — already used to Marian Apparitions — and, of course, Protestants, who will be deceived based on the fallacy of a supposed secret rapture, which turns Bible prophecy upside down, no thanks to preterism and futurism. The rapture will neither be secret nor quiet.
But we, students of prophecy, know that the real issue is the Ten Commandments of God — the same Ten Commandments majority of Christians have been deceived to believe were nailed to the cross. We understand that the desire of Satan is to conclude what God disrupted during the building project of the Tower of Babel. We know it is about getting the whole world into unified rebellion, even if just for one minute. Take another look at the headquarters building of the European Union in Brussels — reminiscent of the Tower of Babel — to understand that I’m not guessing on this score.
Satan doesn’t care about those preaching in the name of Jesus Christ, or casting out of demons in the name of Jesus Christ: neither does he war against these sort of Christians, even though they multiply their membership and also do many undeniable good works — all in the name of Jesus Christ; Matthew 7:21-23. Satan’s real enemies are the end-time saints who keep the commandments of God, which they understand through the testimony of Jesus Christ, explained as the Spirit of prophecy in Revelation 19:10.
May God enable the eyes of your understanding as you read Revelation 12:17 and 19:10 below, which proves that it is the misunderstanding of end time prophecy that has blinded the eyes of Christians to the mystery of the Ten Commandments, just as it is the correct understanding of prophecy that has opened the eyes of end-time saints to the mystery of the Ten Commandments. Prophecy is the key to the correct keeping of the commandments in these last days. And it is the keeping of the commandments of God that makes one an enemy of Satan. Never forget that.
Revelation 12:17
“And the dragon (Satan) was wroth the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.”
Revelation 19:10
“The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”
Can you see?
For these reasons, we believe that, when he shows up as Jesus Christ, Satan will perform real and undeniable miracles and, after everybody has accepted him as the messiah, he will point to commandment keepers and accuse them of being his enemies.
Revelation 13:14
“And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast.”
While he will deceive the whole world, Satan will not be able to deceive the elect. Rather, he will war against them because he cannot deceive them and so is understandably angry with them. Note that the only thing that differentiates these saints from the others who also call Jesus Lord Lord is their keeping of the commandments, which they are enabled to properly understand through the spirit of prophecy. So the war of Satan will be on that very commandment in question – namely the Sabbath commandment – which differentiates them from the others and proves their acceptance of the whole Ten Commandments.
Furthermore, we believe that the climate change agenda will have something to do with this. Remember the Paris Climate Accord signed in 2015? There is a reason why Donald Trump pulled out of that agreement – and why Joe Biden, on his very first day in office, reentered the accord – but it might interest you to note that the accord was based on the encyclical of Pope Francis titled Laudato Si, which was published in that same 2015. And now, in case you have not noticed, experts from around the globe are already recommending that the easiest and most convenient way climate change can be defeated is for the whole world to go on lockdown one single day — every week. The real Jesus Christ is the Lord of the seventh-day Sabbath (Mark 2:28), but the history of paganism proves that the sun is the supreme of all the gods, which is why the first day of the week is called Sunday, in homage to that deity. I’m now telling you that Satan will create these so-called climate change calamities — whether through advanced technology men will deploy, or through his own power as an angel — and then convince the whole world that, until Sunday sacredness is enforced by law, these calamities would not end. Because they will reject this proposal, Seventh-day Sabbath keepers will be pointed out as selfish and unwilling to compromise for the common good. Did I just say “common good?” We already know that the common good has to do with Sunday sacredness because Pope Francis said so — through the same Laudato Si Encyclical published in 2015. Any serious person should also pay attention to the fact that, after the signing of the Declaration on Human Fraternity by the Pope and the Islamic world in 2019, Dubai (UAE) has made Friday a working day, just so as to make Sunday a work-free day. If this does not catch your attention, safe journey. Again, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has already revealed what is coming by stating that restriction of movement on Sundays will be a good way of fighting climate change. Why not the seventh-day? Because Satan is the god of this world — 2 Corinthians 4:4 – and available facts prove that Sunday is the day of paganism, which is the religion instituted by Satan to counter God’s true religion.