In 2015, Israel discovered that Hamas had been using supplies given to them by Israel for civilian projects to build tunnels that would enable them transport weapons underground and invade Israel. In the weeks before July 17 of 2015, Hamas operatives scouted out the area where the tunnel from Gaza would end inside Israel. They decided on a farming village known as Sufa. This area was perfect for the sort of thing Hamas had in mind. Sufa was a populated area of farmers concealed by vegetation.
1. Yom Kippur Tank Battle (1973)
During the Yom Kippur War, over 100, 000 Egyptian soldiers invaded Israel from the south and over 1400 battle tanks of the Syrian army invaded from the north: that’s apart from tens of thousands of soldiers from other Arab countries. At a point during the battle (which went against Israel for days before the tide began to turn) three Israeli tanks came up against 150 Syrian tanks – not because the Israelis were trying to commit suicide, but because they did not have enough tanks to match the multiple armies that had come up against them and had to apportion their tanks to different battlefields. To make the situation of the Israelis worse, their tanks were running low on ammunition. But the commander of the three Israeli tanks had a bold idea. Because there was a little hill dividing the two armies, he commanded his tanks to go up the hill one after the other and fire their bombs, then return into the valley below, giving way for the next tank to move up and fire. This continued for some time, creating the impression of many Israeli tanks. At the very moment the ammunition in all the three Israeli tanks ran out, the Syrian tank battalion, thinking they were facing several tanks, turned around and retreated. It was a miracle because the Israelis would have been roasted alive.
In another battle scene, a detachment of Israeli soldiers realized that they had entered a mine field. (Mines are explosive devises buried under the ground and they can be triggered by being stepped upon). This discovery was late in the night and the soldiers had to stop. But then, if they remained on the field, they will be visible by morning – and be sitting ducks, to be eliminated with ease. In such a dangerous situation, with certain death staring them in the face, a miracle happened. A mighty gust of wind began to blow in the area, and it was so fierce the soldiers needed to hunker down to hold their weight to the ground. The wind lasted for about 30 minutes. When it was over, one thing led to the other and the soldiers realized that the landmines had been exposed by the strong wind. Since they could now see the landmines, they just walked past the field, making sure to avoid the mines. Before daybreak, they had all escaped.
3. Yom Kippur: Golda Mier On The Phone (1973)
One of the greatest miracles of the Yom Kippur War took place on the second day of the war. By this time, many Israelis were being killed on the battlefield and Arab soldiers and military tanks kept pouring into Israel. One Israeli soldier later confessed that he did not know there were that many tanks in the world. They just kept driving into Israel – especially from Syria – and air raids were doing damage. The Egyptians had also crossed into the Sinai desert and Israel was being surrounded.
The Prime Minister of Israel at that time (Golda Mier) picked up the phone and called US President Richard Nixon. She basically said that, if America would not help Israel in the next 48 hours, Israel would not remain standing. This call was made around 3am. President Nixon paused. When he eventually responded, he told Golda Mier a story. In summary, he said that, when he was a little boy, his mum used to read Bible stories to him every night. One night, she read about an Israeli war in which God saved Israel from her enemies. And then she turned and said to him: “Richard, I want you to promise me that, if you ever have a chance to save the Jewish people, you must do so.” And she moved on to read the rest of the Bible story. Then Richard Nixon said to Golda Mier that, for the first time in his life, he could understand why he became the President of the United States. At the end of the conversation, Nixon hung up the phone and called the Pentagon and ordered the largest airlift of military equipment since the Second World War – all for the aid of Israel.
Think about this for a moment: Richard Nixon was born in 1913, 60 years before the Yom Kippur War. And he wasn’t even supposed to be a politician. But, then, something happened. God specifically prepared to save Israel through a “stubborn” man like Nixon who will have the guts to do what was right, irrespective of what the powerful secret haters of the Jews in the US government said or did – just like Harry Truman in 1948 and Donald Trump in 2018. Most people only know one thing about Nixon, which is that he resigned from office after the Watergate Scandal. But Nixon was not Watergate and, no matter what anyone says, I believe that he was set up by his own people and punished for several positive things he did for the US instead of for the globalists, including the help he rendered to Israel and the fact that he rendered that help in defiance of very powerful globalists like George H. W. Bush, who was Director of the CIA at the time. Interestingly, after being used to save Israel, Nixon did not spend up to one full year in the White House before resigning from office as a result of the Watergate Scandal.
In spite of American military support, Israel may still have lost the Yom Kippur war. So God used other means to ensure their salvation. In recent public interviews, retired Egyptian Army Generals and senior administration officials of Egyptian President Muhammad Anwar Sadat have confessed about the serious confusion that reigned on the Egyptian side during the war. The spirit of discord came between Anwar Sadat and his top army General. While the General was thinking of military strategy, Sadat was watching the TV and thinking of politics. He wanted to impress the Egyptian public and the entire Arab world, which made him move when he needed to pause and try to insert his agenda over the reality on the ground, thereby overriding the objective advice of his top commanders in the War Room where military decisions were taken. Even the coordination with the Jordanians and the Syrians became a source of serious impediment in the prosecution of the war. When you listen to these interviews, you get the unnerving feeling that, if not for these absurd mistakes, the Yom Kippur War would have marked the end of Israel. These people were ready and armed to the teeth. Yet, they failed to defeat Israel. In fact, when Israel began to beat back their combined forces, the situation became almost embarrassing because Israel was able to strike deep within Damascus and would have occupied Damascus, if not for the desperate efforts of the Russians, who pressed America to press Israel to accept a ceasefire. As for the Egyptian army, they tried to retreat from the Sinai desert – but they tried to do so in a disorderly manner. This exposed them to the punishment of Israeli warplanes, many of which flew low and bathed scores of them with napalm and burnt up their tanks. The carcasses of these tanks are still in the Sinai desert up till today. But, like the Bible says in 1 Kings 20:31, indeed, “the kings of the house of Israel are merciful kings.” Israel captured tens of thousands of Egyptian soldiers who were about to die of hunger and thirst — but especially of thirst — gave them water, fed them, and treated them fairly well, just like the Bible said. These soldiers were all released shortly thereafter, except for senior officers, who were also eventually released after the ceasefire. The Arab public was in shock and President Anwar Sadat was so humiliated he offered to resign. But the defeat the Arabs suffered was not because their soldiers were not valiant. Simply put, God fought for Israel, just as we often read from many places in the Bible. And, as God said in many places, this was not necessarily because Israel was a righteous nation. The calculation is often more nuanced than that. For example, see the passage below:
1 Kings 20:28
“Thus saith the LORD God, Because the Syrians have said, the LORD is God of the hills, but He is not God of the valleys, therefore will I deliver all this great multitude into thine hand, and ye shall know that I am the LORD.”
So, it is not about Israel being righteous. It is all about the glory of God. Even the humiliation of Pharaoh before Israel was for the glory of God. Such is the grace of God upon Israel. God uses them to pass a message to the whole world so that the world may know that He is the LORD God.
Ezekiel 36:22
“Therefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord GOD; I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine holy name’s sake, which ye have profaned among the heathen, whither ye went.”
According to God Himself, even the deliverance of Israel in the Ezekiel 38 war will be for His glory — He will be so glorified in victory on behalf of Israel the heathen will admit that this was the hand of God – whether quietly or openly.
Ezekiel 38:16
“And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against my land, that the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes.”
When the two spies visited Jericho, the words of Rahab, the harlot, proves that this template works. The parting of the Red Sea was a miracle that the whole world heard about and it was what enabled Rahab to believe in the only true God. This was why she befriended the spies and sought salvation from the God of Israel. Joshua 2:9-13.
This has been the divine protocol in God’s interaction with Israel. In spite of appropriately rewarding every disobedient Israeli for their individual sins, God still finds a way to fulfill His promise to the nation, as was the case of the generation of Caleb and Joshua. Although God punished that generation for doubting His power to defeat the Anakims in Jericho — in spite of the miracle He performed at the Red Sea and the ten miracles in Egypt — He still managed to get Israel into the Promised Land.
Psalms 106:8
“Nevertheless he saved them for his name’s sake, that he might make his mighty power to be known.”
He saved them.
Again, was it because they were a righteous nation?
Psalms 106:7
“Our fathers understood not thy wonders in Egypt; they remembered not the multitude of thy mercies; but provoked him at the sea, even at the Red sea.”
So, Israel, in the divine plan, was meant to be a sign to the heathen that the LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is the only true God. Consequently, Satan has more than enough reasons to want to destroy Israel because He does not want anything that points to the only true God. The Bible is filled with stories of how Satan, through different proxies, tried to destroy Israel during Bible days. And, in this series, I have provided evidence, through the writings of Alice Bailey the Satanist, that, just like in Bible days, Satan is determined and highly desperate to annihilate modern Israel. This is supposed to happen before he shows up.
Quite remarkably, what is true of Satan’s hatred for Israel is also true of Satan’s hatred for the Sabbath. Why? Because the Sabbath will be a nonsensical commandment if God did not create this world. The Sabbath is important because it points to God as the creator of the heaven, the earth, and the sea; Exodus 20:11. And it provokes Satan because it can lead men to a knowledge of the true God. A simple interaction with a Sabbath-keeper can lead an atheist to the knowledge that heaven and earth and the sea were all created in six days and that the God that created these things then rested on the seventh day. But the Christians that read about the Sabbath commandment in the Bible and disobey it boldly every week do so because they see no moral value in the law. After all, every day appears the same. Why should a certain day be treated with sanctity? The only reason the Sabbath is special is because God created the world in six days and rested on that day. And the Sabbath commandment can only be obeyed by faith because none of us was there to see God creating the world in six days. But, by the word of the LORD, we believe that and show our belief by keeping that day holy – as commanded by the Creator-God.
Unlike some people like to claim, keeping the Sabbath is a manifestation of faith, and it has nothing to do with works. The people depending on their works to save them are the very ones who do not believe the word of God which declared the Sabbath holy, sanctified, and hallowed. In thinking that the Sabbath commandment has no moral value, the Christians that make that argument are correct. But, like a token a man gives to his betrothed wife, the value of the Sabbath is in its meaning. Like Israel, it was meant to perpetually announce to the world that God exists; and that this God created heaven and earth in six days and rested on the seventh day.
Knowing that disobeying a single commandment of God makes one guilty of all, Satan has deceived Christians to be vague about the commandments of God, all because they do not know what to do about the Sabbath commandment. Some say the law has been abolished, just to justify their weekly breaking of the Sabbath; others say the law is still active but the Sabbath has been changed, not realizing that they are confirming the prophecy of Daniel 7:25 in so doing but blaming God for changing what He said the beast will change. And that is why the last messages of mercy to the world include a call to Sabbath keeping; Revelation 14:7. This is because if last day saints do not know the true Sabbath, they will inadvertently worship the beast through the false Sunday Sabbath. Yes, the worship of the beast has to do with Sunday sacredness.
Now you understand Revelation 12:17
“And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.”