Our society will be great again by the grace of the omnipresence, omnipotent God but we can only be great if we have patriotic and good people with love and affection for the society and also people with zeal and passion in seeing that our society come back to its normalcy.
Parental care is vary paramount and essential in human existence but reverse is the case in our contemporary world since most of the parents nowadays don’t care about the activities of their children. In this regards most of the children engaged themselves in felonious and illicit act in our society and the parents don’t usually take necessary measures in curbing such phenomenon.
Family is the first agent of socialisation where parents teach and install good conduct of morality and character to their children but most a times the family as the first agent failed woefully in training the children to be the best version of themselves in the society the live in. Since right from the beginning the parents have failed in installing good conduct of morality and character to their wards.
We have insufficient parental of up bringing in our society due to the negligence of our parents since our society has alter to something else looking at how morality, decency , uprightness, ethics, virtuousness, rectitude and other conduct of morality are no way to be found in our society.
If family can render successfully in seeing that the first agent of socialisation which is family is being put in to a right place surely, we can uplift our society to a greater extent that we will be proud of the society we lived in today.
Family play a vita role in shaping the phenomenon of parental responsibility but that was before because nowadays both the family and the elderly people of the society don’t care anymore about the activities of their wards. Hence exposing them to bad character and other social vices in the society.
Matt Walsh once remind us that, “ parenting is the easiest thing in the world to have an opinion about, but the hardest thing in the world to do.” Yes, parenting is the easiest thing to do on this earth but many parents failed in uplifting a very sound society. It’s the responsibility of the parents to instill good character to their children.
I wonder why our parents and society in general failed to understand that those doing illegal, criminal, felonious and unlawful actions also come from home and families. So with this view if the family can be able to train their children in a very good conduct we may develop a very good society.
Our society will be great again by the grace of the omnipresence, omnipotent God but we can only be great if we have patriotic and good people with love and affection for the society and also people with zeal and passion in seeing that our society come back to its normalcy.
Sa’ida Muhammad
Can be reach via [email protected]
Writes from the Department of Mass Communication, Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic Bauchi, Bauchi state.