I must confess in this context that have not raptly watched the exposé, nor do I intend to watch it since there are more pressing issues that deserve the expression of my views, or rather my opinion as a social commentator and Journalist.
It is no more news that reactions have been trailing a report detailing how the late Prophet TB Joshua allegedly sexually assaulted, tortured and manipulated some of his church members The investigative report by the BBC, spanning over two years, said five Britons accused the founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) of assault and forced abortions Also, the late televangelist was accused of faking his “miracle healings,” which were broadcast to millions of people around the world.
In as much as this writer does not have the predilection of engaging in spiritual debates and arguments, he has in this case being compelled to do so as he can no longer stand aside as a dead man that can neither talk nor defend himself in his grave that is six feet beneath the earth is been attacked by each passing day since BBC released its report that is widely alleged to be sponsored, and widely dismissed to be a campaign of calumny against the late prophet and the church he left behind. Given the foregoing backdrop, it is inadvisable for anyone to opt out from the debate to be a mere bystander and spectator.
In fact, given the way the report was broken to the global audience of the BBC, it appears our God is being blasphemed, and that most people in the Christendom who are literarily swallowing the damning content of the report hook, line and sinker are naively endorsing the bastardization of the Christian faith as they erroneously think it is all about late Prophet T.B. Joshua.
I must confess in this context that have not raptly watched the exposé, nor do I intend to watch it since there are more pressing issues that deserve the expression of my views, or rather my opinion as a social commentator and Journalist.
Be that as it may, it suffices to opine that whatever TB Joshua was really up to on Earth will be between him and his God, who has the divine rights and justification to judge the world through His Son Christ Jesus as enshrined in Romans chapter 14 verse 10. Even at that, Jesus Himself commanded us in both Matthew chapter 7 verse 1 and in James chapter 4 verse 12 not to judge anyone, as only our Father in heaven is in position to judge.
Not only that, it is expedient to say that the various statements been made by those that are for him and the ministry Joshua he left as a legacy, and those who want his legacy dead are compelling enough to elicit voices such as being literarily raised in this context not minding that the act of declaring someone ‘innocent’ of accusations leveled against him is, in itself, judging, and is equally forbidden by the Word of God. The reason for the foregoing cannot be farfetched as the act of judging is not always in the form of condemnation but can also be in exonerating an individual from any wrongdoing.
Without resorting to blame game in this context, it is expedient to recall that Pastor Chris Okotie, the founder of the Household of God Church, who is reputed to be the number one calumniator of the late Prophet T.B. Joshua and his ministry, might not have heard anything from God concerning the late prophet, just as he might not have heard clearly from God on what He said concerning his presidential ambition years back. Thus, by mere conjecturing, it is obvious that Okotie might have resorted to judging the late prophet by mere appearances, contrary to God’s commandment in the book of John chapter 7 verse 24.
Given the foregoing backdrop, it is expedient to say that Jesus offered wise and beneficial teachings about judging others when He walked this earth. As scripturally enshrined in John chapter 7 verse 24, we learn that we are not to judge others based on appearances or to cause quarrels within the body of Christ. Thus, as gathered from the scripture, it is crystal clear that judging others by anything other than God’s word is wrong and it is a behavior that should be eschewed in the Christendom. However, it is sad that not many men of God across Nigeria, in the course of criticizing late Prophet T.B. Joshua have been committing sin as they continue judging that they erroneously perceive to be his sins from righteousness, instead of leaving that divine role for God to play as Jesus instructed His followers to judge correctly.
At this juncture, it is germane to opine that the reason people, particularly those in the Christendom, should refrain from posthumously attacking TB Joshua is that whoever Joshua was, during his earthly journey is between him and God his creator, who called him back to his heavenly home on June 5, 2021.
While the foregoing scriptural injunctions condemning the act of judging others by mere appearances should be clearly understood, it is expedient to appeal to all calumniators and traducers of late Prophet T.B. Joshua to leave him alone, and let him rest in peace, particularly as he is not fighting them from the grave, six feet beneath the earth. In fact, they should have it at the back of their mind that only God can see the whole picture and truly knows the heart, motive, and intent of a person.