The English Cambridge Dictionary defines the inferiority Complex as a feeling of not as good,as intelligent,as attractive,e.t.c,as other person.While According to the American Psychological Association,Inferiority Complex is characterized by constant feelings of inadequacy or insecurities in your daily life due to a belief that you are physically or mentally inferior to others,whether such a belief is based on a rational assessment or not.
Life is about brazing up,bulking down, learning from past experiences and working on your weaknesses. The moment you don’t give up is the rise of your Success tale too. The Bible says in the book of 2Corinthians 11vs 5 “But I do not think I am least inferior to those ‘Super-Apostle’. A little accolades given to a colleague for a job well-done might wants you to question your hardwork as an individual but you know what my dear,never allow the success of one pull down your working spirit “No gree for Anybody”.You are not below because you are not there yet, even the Holy Bible testifies to this. Many a youth has embrace the mirror of low self-esteem,why? because of their peer’s success, achievements, individual growth and balance.”No Gree for Anybody”” is tagged the trending slogan for 2024 which in the real sense meant that you should never allow your failure and weakness overweigh your mind and pull you down. Truth be told ‘Don’t leave chances for anyone; take charge of every opportunities and never look down on your ability.
You are destine for greatness and born to be great. Appreciate and love yourself and keep up the hard work. The notion of an inferiority complex was introduced into the psychoanalytic branch of psychology by Alfred Adler(7 February 1870-28 May 1931)who was an Austrian medical doctor, psychotherapist and founder of classical Adlerian psychology. According to Adler, “Everyone has a feeling of inferiority. But the feeling of inferiority is not a disease; it is rather a stimulant to healthy, normal striving and development. It becomes a pathological condition only when the sense of inadequacy overwhelms the individual and, far from stimulating them to useful activity, makes them depressed and incapable of development.
The English Cambridge Dictionary defines the inferiority Complex as a feeling of not as good,as intelligent,as attractive,e.t.c,as other person.While According to the American Psychological Association,Inferiority Complex is characterized by constant feelings of inadequacy or insecurities in your daily life due to a belief that you are physically or mentally inferior to others,whether such a belief is based on a rational assessment or not.In psychology, inferiority complex is a consistent feeling of inadequacy, often resulting in the belief that one is in some way deficient, or inferior, to others. For example, a person who feels inferior because they are shorter than average (also known as a Napoleon complex)due to common modern day heightism may become overly concerned with how they appear to others.Here is a quote by Winston S.Churchill,”Success is not Final;Failure is not Fatal;It is the courage to continue that counts.One important note in this is that,”No gree”, do not be intimidated by other person success or by what other person say rather see it as an inspiration.
According to Alfred Adler, a feeling of inferiority may be brought about by upbringing as a child (for example, being consistently compared unfavorably to a sibling), physical and mental limitations, or experiences of lower social status (for example, being treated unfavorably by one’s peers).This comparison is usually found in a family setting where parents do not always educate, appreciate or motivate their kids but rather always criticising their efforts. The truth of existence is that you cannot become inevitable always.
Finally,I would leave you with a Quote by Alvin Ailey that says”One of the process of your life is to constantly breakdown that inferiority,to constantly reaffirm that I Am Somebody”.
Adebomehin, Adenike Abosede.
Department of English, Lagos State University.