The federal State and local government have a governing body which are to regulate and make sure such things are protected and taken good care of have also forgotten about their duty.
With no doubt pollution have done more harm
As time passes by pollution have been the major source of some disease that have lead to the death of thousands.
It has been a concor warm that have eaten deed into our environment.
As a result of water and air pollution it has increased the number of death caused by cholera and some other killer diseases.
If you go into our environment today you see the place in which we make foods to eat are so unkept and untiedy same thing goes to place we fetch water to drink.
And as a result of the contaminated water we drink instead of drinking to keep the body system well it do more danger than doing the good.
The federal State and local government have a governing body which are to regulate and make sure such things are protected and taken good care of have also forgotten about their duty.
Instead of them making sure the environment is always protected and taken good care of they tend to go around exploiting the poor citizens.
Collecting money from the poor citizens without doing what is needed of them.
Our health is our welth and our welth is our health
Let’s take caution of our environment
Let’s keep our environment healthy and clean
Because when the place we humans stay is unkept then we too are vulnerable to all kinds of diseases.
Kushi Daniel Friday
Can be reached via:
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