Phonography is now a problem even among spouse who expose themselves to such content. They watch phonography forgetting it’s a show acted by individuals, and they expect the same sexual satisfaction as that of the video they watch which causes problems among them. Most spouses are not enjoying their partners during intimacy because of phonography addiction.
Porn addiction is a disease that mostly captures our youths and does harmful damage to their health. They’re falling into the addiction of watching such content which is far more than any addiction without realizing!
The largest group of internet porn users are youths aging between 18-25. They might know the reason why they watch it but it’s not what they think it is. This is a war that we need to fight against.
Mores so, some used to watch Porn multiple times in a day they thought Porn was the solution to all of their life problems, but it was making it worse. They tried using all of the techniques, keeping themselves busy, taking cold showers, using blockers, being mindful of the urge, and having a purpose. But none of them worked!
The moment they’re doing it they think they do no harm anyone, but they’re the victims in the first place while they don’t know. However, phycologist believe watching porn videos have negative effects to our brains.
Phonography is now a problem even among spouse who expose themselves to such content. They watch phonography forgetting it’s a show acted by individuals, and they expect the same sexual satisfaction as that of the video they watch which causes problems among them. Most spouses are not enjoying their partners during intimacy because of phonography addiction.
Once they understood what was actually stopping them from quitting Masturbation forever, that’s the moment they became completely free
They wouldn’t watch Porn when they felt on top of the world they would only watch it when they would feel down, which simply means that they did it for what it actually gave them in that moment
These were the reasons for which individuals addicted to porn or students would watch it:
Emotional relief
Sexual relief
Pain relief
Escape from reality
They were not watching it because of :
Not having a partner
Dopamine circuits
They were only watching it because they thought it would help them with their life problems
When they were stressed = Stress relief
When they’re lonely = Sexual relief
When they felt bored = Pleasure
When they’re in pain = Escape from reality
A study in 2020 by rational believers shows the annual trafficking of porn websites. 28.5 billion visits per year, on average 81 million visits per day.
25 billion searches performed in a year, that means 72 million searches per day and 800 searches per second. Over 4 million videos loaded till today which is equal to almost 600000 hours of content.
The amount of data used on the sites reaches 10.2 million GB per day, 7101 gb per minute and 118 gb per second and that is enough to fill the memory of every iPhone currently in use around the country.
However, if one can watch porn videos day and night without any break it will take him 68 years to watch them all.
Porn only contributes to damaging our minds and thoughts. Additionally, we waste our resources in getting those contents.
Some youths fall in the trap of porn addiction due to loneliness, where some are due to close friends around them. The gift of pornography to our society is turning people into animals, and some of us unfortunately have this addiction.
Pornography industry is a multi trillion dollar industry, and the agenda is to make sure everyone is a consumer of such content in one way or the other, fighting pornography has now become a big challenge among youths in our societies.
That leads to sexual abuse to our children nowadays. Many where sexually harassed by individuals who were exposed to pornography content day in day out.
Pornography is now a problem that needs to be addressed by all necessary means for our children to live in peace rather than being harassed. In addition, this situation is widespread and no one is talking about it.
Note: I’ll send the second article on ways to quit addiction of pornography.
Sahabo Abdulkadir
Student of Mass Communication
Federal University of Kashere, Gombe.
[email protected]