In short, educating children with their biography will make them well prepared for their own ordeals. It can also propel them to the necessity to laud their parents for the pain they went through to bring about their existence.
The normalcy of people’s existence is to realize one’s living on earth after meager years of birth probably during infancy. It is metaphysical for someone to have knowledge about his life before birth if he was not told. Meanwhile, several tales had become extinct prior to one’s extant; it’s essential to brainfeed children about their stories for the unknown to be known.
According to a popular aphorism, “Rome is not built in a day,” this is hundred percent factual because there must be a making process before an outcome can be produced. In the case of child birth — natality, at least two parents of distinct gender (male and female) must unite together in a matrimonial relationship for the female to conceive.
Before a man and woman can resort to one legal unit, that is marriage, a certain break-up has been recorded in their dating relationship. A man may date more than five women before engaging with one of them and vice versa. Afterall, some relationships still experience break-ups after weddings — divorce.
Notwithstanding, we can confirm some people that are happily married with children. For a woman to be pregnant, male gamete (sperm) from the father must fertilize the egg (ovum) from the mother; the fertilization will develop into an embryo. Also, the pregnant woman is entitled to always to and fro the maternity or hospital for antenatal, it keeps the female gonad hormones — estrogen and progesterone in check which will make the uterus healthy and prepare the vagina for delivery.
Furthermore, nutritional treatment is necessary for the maternal body and the pregnancy to avoid unnecessary mutation in the genetic make-up of the fetus. Deficiency in nutrition or malnutrition can cause variation in chromosome and structure of the child which is liable to form child malformation.
In short, educating children with their biography will make them well prepared for their own ordeals. It can also propel them to the necessity to laud their parents for the pain they went through to bring about their existence.
About the writer: Abdulrasheed Akere is a student of Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto (UDUS). He can be reached via [email protected]