The death of renowned film actress Asia Abdelmajid, who was caught in the crossfire between warring factions in northern Khartoum, has raised concerns about civilian safety in Sudan’s capital city.
Despite the recent ceasefire agreement, residents continue to be impacted by fighting.
Abdelmajid, 80, rose to prominence in comedic roles, beginning with her 1965 play “Pamseeka.”
Her performance took place at Omdurman’s National Sports Hall on the first anniversary of Sudan’s first revolution against a military coup leader.
Before becoming a teacher, she made history as Sudan’s first professional boxing actress.
She was tragically shot and killed on the grounds of a school and buried hours later.
The cause of her death is unknown, as it is unknown which faction fired the fatal shot during the conflict in Bahri, a neighborhood outside of Khartoum.
Military and RSF forces continue to clash, with the military preferring aerial assaults.
RSF fighters claimed to have foiled a police raid on Wednesday.
After speaking with leaders of rival Sudanese forces, the UN’s top aid official warned that the desire to end the fighting is not yet apparent.
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