The subject matter isn’t as rigid as perceived. So men, women, and especially men, should not be contrary to the feministic movement and endeavor to join hands in order to diminish and eradicate the intensity of the power imbalance and inequality suffered by women in our society.
As a woman, will you be happy spending the rest of your life in the kitchen? Wonderfully, being made of Adam’s rib doesn’t make a woman fragile. Feminism is simply a fight for gender equality and not gender inequality. According to IWDA, a proudly feminist organization, “feminism is about all genders having equal rights and opportunities.It’s about respecting diverse women’s experiences, identities, knowledge and strengths, and thriving to empower all women to realize their full rights. it’s about levelling the playing field between genders, and ensuring that diverse women and girls have the same opportunities in life available to boys and men” Nevertheless, the word misandry(mis=hatred and andry= men) refers to the hatred of men.
To be spick and span, not all doctors treat well, and not all teachers teach well. The same applies to feminism as a movement, not all feminists possess the paramount criteria of being called an outstanding feminist, as it’s not generating unnecessary animosity towards the opposite sex. The anomalous illusion of feminism as a fight between two opposite sex appears difficult to erase in the minds of many coupled with the futile force utilized by some feminists (a person, either man or woman who fights for gender equality and power balance) whom might be characterized as bias or bitter.
However, the cry of emancipation over the plethora delimitation and restriction of the female opportunities and rights in the political, social, economical and other aspects of life acted as a springboard for the birth of feminism. Women voices should also be heard. It’s not about making women valiant and more powerful, it’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength. A crown doesn’t look better on a man’s head alone.Women should also be treated like a king too.
Considering all this, the fictitious definition of feminism should be corrected and the genuine meaning of the theme should be awakened in the minds of all. The subject matter isn’t as rigid as perceived. So men, women, and especially men, should not be contrary to the feministic movement and endeavor to join hands in order to diminish and eradicate the intensity of the power imbalance and inequality suffered by women in our society.