Secondly, iphone is primarily a gateway to virtual world, in essence, it almost always preoccupies the minds of most ladies with making good shot and perfect pictures and videos, for posting on social media, this will gradually disconnect such ladies with real friends and relatives around them, and connect them with near total strangers, whose identities are illusive and cannot be easily verifiable.
Since the advent of iphone in the year 2007 and the spread of its various models, such as XS, XS Max da XR in the hands of most young people, especially ladies, a very strong relationship exist between ladies and the iPhone. But before we look into that bond, what is iphone in the first place?
iPhone is a line of smart-phones designed and marketed by Apple Inc. iPhone has a number of unique features that set it apart from other smart-phones, including the iOS operating system, Face ID, and the App Store. It offers a wide variety of applications that can be downloaded and used on the device. The iPhone is known for its sleek design and easy-to-use interface.
From the foregoing, it is becoming clear how the relationship was established, in view of fancy nature, beauty and love for fashion of the ladies. Evidently, iphone has contributed a lot in the participation of ladies on tik-tok, instagram, youtube, whatsapp, X and other common social media platforms. These platforms in one way or the other, helped greatly in making a lot of ladies becoming celebrities these days.
Other features which further cement the companionship between ladies and iphones includes phone cases, covers, and screen protectors, which can be customized to suit individual tastes. All these are factors that facilitates creating a unique status among peers, which is a very important aspect of socialisation among ladies.
However, despite these advantages, iphone is not all useful without some costs, especially to the ladies. These includes being expensive, especially for models with a lot of storage or the latest features, difficult to repair if it is damaged, and repairs can be costly, compatibility with all networks, so, iphone may not be a good choice for ladies who travels alot, iPhones’ battery is inbuild, thus it cannot be remove, when there is nedd for replacement and lastly, but not the least, iphones’ storages are not expandable, that is a serious disappointment for ladies who are fond of making and storing videos and pictures almost every day or moments.
In view of the aforementioned disadvantages, iphone has negatively impacted on the lives of many ladies, due to the roles it pays as a barometer for status uplift and adjustment among the ladies. Some of the impact incluses:-
Firstly, iphone is fashion based, therefore it is constantly changing, through the process of upgrades or introducing a new models, this often compelled ladies to squeeze their purse, in order to meet up the new level, this means alteration in their budgets and consequently forcing themselves to forego other more important aspects in their life, such as education pursuance.
Secondly, iphone is primarily a gateway to virtual world, in essence, it almost always preoccupies the minds of most ladies with making good shot and perfect pictures and videos, for posting on social media, this will gradually disconnect such ladies with real friends and relatives around them, and connect them with near total strangers, whose identities are illusive and cannot be easily verifiable.
Thirdly, as a result of meeting and building new relationship with new friends, there is a strong tendencies of hooking up with morally bad characters, who are either frauds stars, cultists, drug addicts, lesbians and other social vices. Ladies indulging in such vices are often ending up in plunging their lives into ritual hands, who most of the time lay trap to catch such ambitious ladies.
Fourthly, iphone distracts ladies most ladies from making progress in their academic or legitimate business activities, because they have to be constantly online, or else they’ll be left far behind in the fancy world, which is constantly fluctuating like stock exchange markets.
Fifthly, iphone decreases creativity and inspiration, it also increases materialism and a feeling of greediness among ladies. Overtime accumulation of these factors often leads to waste of time and eventually depression, because by the time the reality wipes away the illusive life style, there will be no time to rectify and rebuild a realistic life.
Sixthly, ladies with iphone, seldom find time to participate in house chore activities, some of them, even when they were called out by their mothers or older sisters to partake, their responses usually are not appreciative. Such ladies, when they finally got married, they will not have any lesson to build their own home as expected and the marriages crashes almost immediately after wedding ceremony, because of incompatible life style of the couples.
These are just some of the possible effects that can result from iPhone ambition among ladies. It is important to be aware of these effects and take steps to manage them, such as taking a break from social media and focusing on what is truly important in life, like prioritising parents needs over personal comfort, due to the fact that children are religiously, culturally and morally bound to respect and support their parents, who brought them to this world and raised them up, to the level they are now enjoying. They should also make an effort to establish good and harmonious relationship with real people, so that when they get more matured, they’ll realised that virtual friends are not reliable and are in actual sense, unknown.
Moreover, ladies with iphone should as a matter of urgency, start seeing the iphone in their possession as a blessing and not a liability. It should be use to improve in knowledge pursuance, business growth or instrument for guidance to others. iphone can be liability when it is not use in doing any of the above or similar activity.
Rabi’atu Muhammad writes from Mass Communication Department of Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic Bauchi and can be reach via Email: [email protected]