The meticulously constructed film portrayed the adventures of the famous puppet with emotional and compelling scenes, set against the backdrop of Benito Mussolini’s Italy. In one scene, Pinocchio even insults the fascist dictator in a humorous musical score.
Mexican filmmaker Guillermo Del Toro’s magical remake of Pinocchio takes home best animated picture, beating out competitors Marcel the Shell with Shoes On, The Sea Beast, Turning Red and Puss in Boots: The Last Wish.
The meticulously constructed film portrayed the adventures of the famous puppet with emotional and compelling scenes, set against the backdrop of Benito Mussolini’s Italy. In one scene, Pinocchio even insults the fascist dictator in a humorous musical score.
“Animation is cinema … animation is ready to be taken to the next step,” said Del Toro, who dedicated the film to his family.